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Lockdown Learning

Lockdown Learning

To be honest I haven't taken too kindly to being in lock down.  Don't get me wrong, I fully support the Government's efforts to stamp out COVID-19 in Aotearoa.  But during the last lock down I was very sick so that was my mission - get better.  This time I am awesomely fit and well which has made things a bit of a struggle.  So to help myself (and maybe my long suffering family) these are the things that help me stay occupied, feel better and more grateful for this time.  Here goes:


I know this is obvious but it does work.  I like to walk and I have a full heartwarming view of the Kakanui Mountains from the end of my street.

Phone Calls

Deane and I have a regular phoning schedule and it goes like this. "Congratulations your ball has come out of the machine - it's your turn for us to call you".  I successfully managed a zoom birthday call (including associated wine) with my sister in law the other day.


I  know my jigsaw efforts are painfully slow and take up all of the dining table but when else could I do this!  I am am working on the beautiful Wolfkamp and Stone New Zealand Vintage Postcards jigsaw.


500, canasta and nark are the current favourites in our family.  Lovely reminders of holidays and camping trips.


So I am not a great cook but of what use is a dream if not a blueprint for courageous action?  I enjoy Chelsea, Annabel and Nadia for a little inspiration.

Four Legged "Friends"

Our dogs are working dogs and not the sort that normally trot benignly around the streets of Ranfurly on a leash.  If you see me being towed around town - we are bonding.


I love to read but never made it to the Library before lockdown.  Good news though, the library has given me free access to ebooks on Libby and Overdrive.  Currently enjoying Chillpreneur by Denise Duffield-Thomas.


Lockdown has bought out the best in some of our teachers and Youtubers.  Like the true stationary junkie that I am, I bought myself another gorgeous notebook and a pack of my favourite pens so I don't forget what I have learnt.  Digital Boost and Nigel Danson are current loves.


Right up there with cooking but there was a great satisfaction in cleaning out the cupboard where the oils, sauces and all the messy things live.

Thinking and Planning

I love to plan and think about bits and pieces for my business - there are so many ideas and so much inspiration online.  My mission is to put some into action when lockdown is but a distant memory.


Now has been a good chance to check out a few classics.  I have been watching the 3 hour long epic JFK in bite size chunks.

I won't even mention alcohol but that's me - what are you up to?

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