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Cavalcade - Copyright Janyne Fletcher 2006


“Cavalcade” was, I suppose, my first successful art photo. Back in 2006, I was following the Goldfields Cavalcade event into their hoe down location at the Alexandra race course. Gaby, Zoe and I enjoyed watching the horses from one of the trails walking through the historic town of Clyde.

I am not really a horsey person so I had tagged along with my cousin Kathy and her kids who completely fall into the horse mad category.

We were just leaving Clyde when, in the middle of a small traffic jam, Kathy stopped her vehicle in the middle of road, ran back to me and excitedly pointed out the large number of horses and riders that were starting to gather on the Clyde Hill skyline above the highway. “You must get a shot of that Janyne” she said.

I was lucky. I had packed my new Canon 5D camera and a good long telephoto lens. I ignored the protests of Gaby and Zoe (then aged 3 and 4), parked my can in the middle of the traffic jam and photographed a small slice of history.

The riders (and a few pack horses) looked like they were ready to charge and they were definitely enjoying themselves. There was a surprising amount of noise that could be heard from the ridge including a full blooded Red Indian war cry.

My photography efforts were at a slightly less than ideal time of day for perfect exposures. Because of this I decided try a few frames where I under exposed my back lit subjects. Back at home I made a few simple adjustments to my shot including a sepia (duo tone) conversion and a vignette. I believe this adds some drama to the story.

I haven’t seen any other photos of this moment in time so I feel pretty privileged to have this shot in my collection.

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